Local Forums to the Rescue!


Ever had a simple question about a local business, but you just were not sure where to get an answer? My best answers come from Rochester ny forums. This can be used in so many ways for local information. Just look for any online forum Rochester.

Here is a perfect example. I was looking for a nice Thai restaurant, but none of my friends had suggestions that I had not heard before. The yellow pages were of no use so I tried searching forums. To my surprise, my question had already been asked before and answered with details that I needed. I find that I no longer ask about local restaurants, I just check the local forums for info. It is a perfect tip for the foodie that has limited time to get out and visit a lot of restaurants.

Occasionally I use forums to find out local sports information as well. The news only hits the highlights, especially if I am trying to scout my sons next high school opponent. I have found that there are forums that target the local school rivalries and they provide just the information I am looking for.

Author: admin