Installing Window Boxes – ANTIQUE MARKETPLACE

it. Your home may be more artistic and creative based the style you prefer.

The step-by-step process for installing Window Boxes

The Window Box Overview
a look at the overview of your window by measuring the window frame. This is a way to confirm that your windows are in the correct frames.

Make sure you mark the exact spot of your box
You can mark 1 inch off the underside of your window frame. This can be done with one of the pencils starting from the high point.

Start with the bracket that is the top.
The bracket should be attached to the hole using a clamp to hold it securely. Utilize a decking screw made of galvanized and screw the bracket in the hole.

Place the second screw
Be sure the bracket is perfect plumbed. It is possible to use the level for this. Like in step 1 and 2, insert the second bolt inside the bracket.

The bracket should be placed on the other side.
Put a level across two brackets. Make sure they’re in the same place. A second bracket needs to be secured to the top, and the next to it to the bottom.

Your window box should be placed in the middle, and then attach your window box to brackets
Set the box into the center of brackets. Install the screws. Then, you are able to put the soil inside and begin the process of planting.

For more information about installing a window box, it is possible to contact a professional to help you. z1nais8lmf.

Author: admin